The Ultimate No-Bake Apricot Slice
This recipe is a classic, straight out of Grandma's kitchen. It's something my sister requests every time we're in the same country, it's a winner at potlucks and picnics - it's just perfect, ok?
Best of all, it requires no oven and very little stove-top action, so even those who claim they cannot bake to save their life have a shot at pulling this slice off successfully. Surely. Right?
So, here goes!
Apricot Slice
250g packet of Arrow Root biscuits, finely crushed (food processor or rolling pin will do the trick)
1 cup chopped dried apricots
1 cup desiccated coconut
395g can sweetened condensed milk
100g butter, chopped
250g milk/dark chocolate, melted
Lightly grease and line a tray with baking paper (this is quite a firm mixture, so you can use whatever size tray you have on hand, and fill it up to wherever it lands!)
In a large bowl, combine crushed biscuits, chopped apricots and coconut.
Combine condensed milk and butter in a medium saucepan. Stir over low heat for 4-5 minutes, or until smooth and relatively combined.
Pour over dry ingredients and mix well.
Press mixture firmly into prepared pan. Refrigerate until firm.
Melt chocolate in a medium bowl over a saucepan full of boiling water, stirring frequently.
Pour over slice evenly, and then place in fridge until set.
Slice evenly, or whatever way you wish, it's your party.
And there you are, the ultimate no-bake apricot slice!